The Family Farm Tax explained
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.
4 July 2024 - a date to bring about change
Rishi Sunak has finally ended the speculation over when a General Election would be held. It will be on Thursday 4 July 2024, 6 months before the end of the fixed term of this Parliament.
Take a look at what our Parliamentary Candidate, David Watts, has to say as the campaign gets under way.
New volunteers to join and support our party are always valued and encouraged. If the announcement of the General Election has given you the extra spur you need to get involved with the LibDems locally, do please join up via the buttons below and we will be in touch to welcome you into the team in whatever way you wish to help.
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.
October is Black History Month - a chance to celebrate the Black British community, acknowledge their contributions and discover their stories.
Read Ed Davey's speech to the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference in Brighton